Player, Parent and Coach Expectations

Player, Parent and Coach Expectations


Player, Parent and Coach Expectations
A successful program is made up of players, parents and coaches working together as a team. Below is an outline of expectations which promote dedication, teamwork and respect within the LFSA organization.
-          Attendance is expected at ALL practices, games and tournaments.
-          Missed practices or games must be approved ahead of time by coaches.
Playing Time – 25%
-          Across whole season
-          Practice attendance will play a large role in a player’s development and performance.
If you have an individual player concern, please contact:
-          Team Coach, or
-          Oktay Akgun, Director of Coaching
-          24 Hour Rule – Please do not contact coach prior to 24 hours after a match.
-          Early is On Time; On Time is Late
-          Players must be on time for all practices
-          Players must arrive to games 45 minutes before game time
Homework/Skill Building
-          Players should practice what is learned with the coach
-          Watch professional soccer
-          Coach
-          Teammates
-          Officials
Team Attitude
-          Encourage positive teamwork
-          Support fellow players and parents
-          A positive attitude makes a better team
Coaching Expectations
-          Treat all players with respect
-          Provide opportunity for all players to develop
-          Provide team with the best opportunity to succeed
-          Teach players how to win and lose gracefully
-          Be professional on sidelines and treat referees and opposing coach with respect
-          Emphasize team development
-          Evaluate players each season and place them appropriately based on their abilities
-          Lead by example

Contact Us

Contact Info

Contact Info

Lake Forest Soccer Association
P.O. Box 346
Lake Forest, IL 60045

Jay Bulev
Club Manager and Administrator

Oktay Akgun
Director of Coaching

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